Sunday, October 13, 2013

Love Identified

So, today as I was scrolling through channels hopelessly looking for something interesting to watch to avoid starting a productive day, I stumbled upon one of my favorite movies of the last 10 years, Juno. If you haven't seen the movie Juno is just a movie about a quirky teenager who gets pregnant and decides to give the baby up for adoption. It's funny, it's a little left of center, and a comedic view of the actual horror that teenage highschool pregnancy can be. It's not a social commentary it more or less an independent film feeling strange love romantic comedy but one line from this movie really hit me and encouraged me to do this new blog entry. 

When pregnant Juno comes home she begins talking to her dad about what love is and if two people can really be happy together forever. Her dad talks to her about finding the right person is imperative to love and then drops this bomb "Look, in my opinion, the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you, the right person is still going to think the sun shines out your ass. That's the kind of person that's worth sticking with." This is great advice and something that everyone should follow to find their soulmate but then I felt uneasy. I felt this way because I realized why it's so hard for so many people to find that person that loves them for exactly who they are. Speaking personally, I have no idea exactly who I am. I mean honestly look at yourself and try to put yourself into words. Who are you exactly?

The idea of our self-identity is not only hard to capture but it's also fluid. During college we are forming the people who will become and how is it even possible to find love when we don't know who we are. Even if by some stretch we think we have our identities pinned down who's to say we will be the same a year from now during this time in our life. 

Now I don't know if this speaks more to the effort or lack thereof we put into finding ourselves or the lack of ability to find someone else who loves us for who we think we are. I just thought the idea should be presented. 

I guess what I'm trying to say is that you should take to find yourself. Define morals, objectives or whatever else you think makes up your identity. Will it change? Absolutely, but this is a necessary component to finding someone that can truly love you. Once you find out who you are, you can embrace others who love you for that reason. 

As for me? I'm clueless about what makes my identity. I struggle living in the present and look too much to the future. For now I'm okay with that but at some point it'll be something I'll have to reckon with but for now all I can do is try to find who I am so I can be the person for someone else who thinks the sun shines out my ass and hopefully find sun in their anus as well. 

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